Sunday 20 January 2013


I havent mentioned my resolutions for 2013....I do have to agree with Lisa Marie Fernandez, (designer) as mentioned in an interview with Vogue, that 2013 will be the the year of the body! I have my first "appointment" with the gym today, its pouring with rain and I really dont feel like going....but alas the appointment is made and its time for "Project Overhaul". Actually if I am brave (probably not) I will load a before and after photo of my 10 week transformation. Secondly Lisa Marie mentions that she will not be following "trends" and I tend to do this anyway....I dont spent a lot of money on items that go in and out of fashion - I prefer to spend my money on more classic designs that can be worn for longer periods (ie season after season).

But in the meantime here is a snippit from Vogue's interview on resolutions from Lisa Marie Fernandez and Caroline Issa:

Lisa Marie Fernandez, Designer

1. My 2013 will be the year of the body. I would like to take up fencing as a new sport for this year.

2. Each year, I make it a point to visit new countries of interest. So far, for 2013, I have planned Beirut, Montenegro, and Cartagena.

3. 2013 is the year for authenticity. I will be wearing brands that I feel are authentic and have provenance. No trends, no "it" anything. This applies to art, fashion and music.

(I had to keep this picture larger so that you could see the spots on Caroline's!)

Caroline Issa, Tank magazine publisher and creative director, in her interview with Vogue...

Alas it's a perennial one - I think my personal trainer has had enough of me dodging him and using all my travel as an excuse not to head into the gym. I love it once I'm there, but I need to step up on the motivation to get me there. I always feel better after a session, so I need to make more time for it and no more excuses!

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