Friday 18 January 2013

How to make Sarah Jessica Parker's "Louboutin Ribbon Shoes"

I love these ribbon cute and easy to make!

Shoes with an ankle and toe strap (you could even do this with a flat sandal, don't be afraid - really, any shoe with an ankle strap would work. )
Coordinating Needle and Thread/Sewing machine
work with a wide, black grosgrain ribbon. I already have plans to use suede, satin, linen, or even tulle (like Maegan did) for additional options with color and texture.

Begin by measuring, on your own foot, the length of the ribbon you will use a base (apologizing in advance for the model's bunion...this isnt Angela's delicate foot):


Fold the ends of the ribbon over the straps and pin in place, then sew (you don't need a machine for this).

I used a contrasting thread to show the stitches:


See how your ankle strap slides right through? At the bottom I stitched it in place, but if I'd had any Velcro I would have sewn that to the bottom to make it removable.


Now, begin cutting the ribbons for your loops. I used 5 ribbons, 3, 3 1/2, 4, 4 1/2, and 5 inches in length (cut two of everything of course). It is really important to burn the edges of each raw end of ribbon to avoid fraying.


Now stitch each length into a loop. (You might be able to glue this)


Here is your collection of loops:


Now begin to attach each loop, overlapping, onto the base ribbon. Begin at the bottom:


The four ribbons should be sewn onto the base like this:


Now, leave your smallest loop round and tack it, from the inside bottom, onto the base ribbon, like this:

Tada! You really could match any dress with one basic strappy sandal. Imagine if these straps were a nude color...the possibilities!!!

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